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1st Spiritualist Church Salem
and Karma Kafe
your spirit-to-spirit connection

Sunday Services: A New Way to Do Church
Anticpating Spring & Our Spiritual Renewal!
Sunday services begin at 5pm Eastern time. We have a slate of exciting guest mediums, fun events, and learning opportunities to offer you. Our quaint chapel is located in the historic McIntyre District in Salem Massachusetts. Come visit and experience the warmth and wonders of Spirit! All listed times are in EST.
Zoom URL is
Meeting ID: 845 6775 3655
Passcode: 1225
MARCH 2 at 5pm
Patricia Mellman

Matt & Kirsty Grogan

MARCH 16 at 5 pm
Student Service: show your support for the students in the mediumship and healing class

MARCH 23 at 5 pm
Charvonne Carlson

Click on any of the following listed events for more detailsClikck paragraph. Click here to add your own text and edit me. It's easy.
STUDENT SERVICE: Sunday, March 16th beginning at 5pm the adults students who are enrolled in the mediumship and healing unfoldment class will take the podium for demonstration of healing, inspirational speaking, and spirit greetings. Please join us for this special occasion when many, for the first time ever, step forward to serve spirit and you. Come early and mingle and enjoy refreshments beginning at 4pm.
PRIVATE READINGS and HEALINGS: First Saturday of each month, by appointment only. These are offered by Zoom as well as in-person at the church. Visit our Request page for more information and to sign up.
GOOD KARMA KAFE presents ANTARA with Chris Cheney. Folk rock concert at the Good Karma Kafe coffee house on SATURDAY APRIL 5, 2025 at 7pm. Mark your calendars NOW. Limited seating. A fun affordable night of great entertainment and music. Raffles, Refreshments, and Rockin' Folk. Tickets are available at Eventbrite.

Upcoming Service Speakers
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